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My new role as Disabled Students' Officer!


I’m delighted to have been elected as the Disabled Students’ Officer with the Students’ Union UCL. I take on this role as a job share with my colleague, Camella Ramjet, in June. This year saw a record number of student votes: 2,948 nomination, 10,219 votes and a 21% turnout!


Camella and I bring a wealth of experience and motivation to this role. As I said in our manifesto, I have worked with disabled students for 20+ years and my PhD research looks at deaf signers' experiences of interpreting support in HE. Camella has worked in the field of museum learning with disabled children and adults.


I live with bipolar, anxiety, depression, and OCD. I’ve had good and bad experiences at university, and we will strive to make the Disabled Students’ Network the first point of contact for disabled students whilst campaigning to improve access and support. Ableism is an issue that needs to be addressed across UCL. The 2020 DSN report highlighted many failings, and we will bring a fresh momentum to tackle discrimination.


You can see more about us and our pledge here


We look forward to meeting everyone and getting started!